
Exadata: Setting up FlashCache Mode to WriteThrough or WriteBack is an online operation

I was about to change some Exadatas FlashCache to WriteBack (after some cells were added to some Exadatas) when I found some resources on the Internet stating that this action needed to stop the whole cluster. As this looked to be a

to me, I wrote this blog to verify it and show below that setting up FlashCache to WriteBack is a 100% online operation (as well as setting up WriteThrough)!

Before jumping into the procedure itself, let's remind that the Storage Cells must run version to be able to set the FlashCache mode to WriteBack. It is most likely your case as 11.2 is very old and I guess you patch your Exadatas on a regular basis. Also, if you are unsure of your storage cells versions, feel free to use this script.

Let's start by having a look at our cells FlashCache mode:
[root@exadatadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list cell attributes flashcachemode"
exadatacel01: WriteBack
exadatacel02: WriteBack
exadatacel03: WriteBack
exadatacel04: WriteBack
exadatacel05: WriteBack
exadatacel06: WriteBack
exadatacel07: WriteThrough
[root@exadatadb01 ~]#
Here, clearly, our cel07 is still in WriteThrough mode, let's change it to WriteBack. As a first step, we need to verify that the FlashCache is in a normal state
[root@exadatadb01 ~]#  dcli -g cell_group -l root cellcli -e list flashcache detail | grep status
exadatacel01: status:                 normal
exadatacel02: status:                 normal
exadatacel03: status:                 normal
exadatacel04: status:                 normal
exadatacel05: status:                 normal
exadatacel06: status:                 normal
exadatacel07: status:                 normal
[root@exadatadb01 ~]#

Now, Verify that your cells are healthy and you asmdeactivationoutcome is YES, you can do this using the below command line:
# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root cellcli -e list griddisk attributes asmdeactivationoutcome, asmmodestatus
I personnaly use to have a nice output:

Let's now proceed and update this flashcachemode to WriteBack on this cell07 by dropping the flashacache first:
[root@exadatadb01 ~]# ssh exadatacel07
[root@exadatacel07 ~]# cellcli
CellCLI: Release - Production on Tue Oct 15 19:24:39 CDT 2019
Copyright (c) 2007, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
CellCLI> list cell attributes flashcachemode
CellCLI> drop flashcache
Flash cache exadatacel07_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
Now, update the flashcache mode to WriteBack:
CellCLI> alter cell flashCacheMode=writeback
Cell exadatacel07 successfully altered
Recreate the flashcache
CellCLI> create flashcache all
Flash cache exadatacel07_FLASHCACHE successfully created
CellCLI> list cell attributes flashcachemode
On overview on all the cells now
[root@exadatadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list cell attributes flashcachemode"
exadatacel01: WriteBack
exadatacel02: WriteBack
exadatacel03: WriteBack
exadatacel04: WriteBack
exadatacel05: WriteBack
exadatacel06: WriteBack
exadatacel07: WriteBack
[root@exadatadb01 ~]#

We did it and we did it 100% online ! here you may want to use to double check that nothing has changed on your cells.

Now, let's see how to do the same thing but on many cells in parallel:
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e list cell attributes flashcachemode"
anotherexadatacel01: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel02: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel03: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel04: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel05: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel06: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel07: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel08: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel09: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel10: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel11: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel12: WriteThrough
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
We need to set the FlashCache to WriteBack on the cells 6 to 12 on this one. We will then create a file with these cells only:
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]# cat ~/cell_group_6_to_12
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
And verify the file
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/cell_group_6_to_12  -l root "cellcli -e list cell attributes flashcachemode"
anotherexadatacel06: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel07: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel08: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel09: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel10: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel11: WriteThrough
anotherexadatacel12: WriteThrough
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
Now check the flashcache status on cells 6 to 12
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#  dcli -g ~/cell_group_6_to_12 -l root cellcli -e list flashcache detail | grep status
anotherexadatacel06: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel07: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel08: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel09: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel10: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel11: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel12: status:                 normal
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
Drop the flashcache on these cells
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#  dcli -g ~/cell_group_6_to_12 -l root cellcli -e drop flashcache
anotherexadatacel06: Flash cache anotherexadatacel06_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
anotherexadatacel07: Flash cache anotherexadatacel07_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
anotherexadatacel08: Flash cache anotherexadatacel08_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
anotherexadatacel09: Flash cache anotherexadatacel09_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
anotherexadatacel10: Flash cache anotherexadatacel10_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
anotherexadatacel11: Flash cache anotherexadatacel11_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
anotherexadatacel12: Flash cache anotherexadatacel12_FLASHCACHE successfully dropped
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
Change the FlashCache mode to WriteBack
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#  dcli -g ~/cell_group_6_to_12 -l root cellcli -e "alter cell flashCacheMode=writeback"
anotherexadatacel06: Cell anotherexadatacel06 successfully altered
anotherexadatacel07: Cell anotherexadatacel07 successfully altered
anotherexadatacel08: Cell anotherexadatacel08 successfully altered
anotherexadatacel09: Cell anotherexadatacel09 successfully altered
anotherexadatacel10: Cell anotherexadatacel10 successfully altered
anotherexadatacel11: Cell anotherexadatacel11 successfully altered
anotherexadatacel12: Cell anotherexadatacel12 successfully altered
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
Recreate the FlashCache
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#  dcli -g ~/cell_group_6_to_12 -l root cellcli -e create flashcache all
anotherexadatacel06: Flash cache anotherexadatacel06_FLASHCACHE successfully created
anotherexadatacel07: Flash cache anotherexadatacel07_FLASHCACHE successfully created
anotherexadatacel08: Flash cache anotherexadatacel08_FLASHCACHE successfully created
anotherexadatacel09: Flash cache anotherexadatacel09_FLASHCACHE successfully created
anotherexadatacel10: Flash cache anotherexadatacel10_FLASHCACHE successfully created
anotherexadatacel11: Flash cache anotherexadatacel11_FLASHCACHE successfully created
anotherexadatacel12: Flash cache anotherexadatacel12_FLASHCACHE successfully created
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
Verify the flashcache mode
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/cell_group_6_to_12  -l root "cellcli -e list cell attributes flashcachemode"
anotherexadatacel06: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel07: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel08: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel09: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel10: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel11: WriteBack
anotherexadatacel12: WriteBack
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
Check the FlashCache status
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/cell_group_6_to_12 -l root cellcli -e list flashcache detail | grep status
anotherexadatacel06: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel07: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel08: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel09: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel10: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel11: status:                 normal
anotherexadatacel12: status:                 normal
[root@anotherexadatadb01 ~]#
And we are all done on all these cells in parallel and 100% online !

A last word about this: have a look at the cachingpolicy of your grid disks as it may have an impact when you enable WriteBack.

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