Out of Place patching has become the standard for database patching for years now (I have described it precisely here) but for any reason, people restrain themselves for doing Out of Place patching for Grid Infrastructure and usually do In Place GI patching and Out of Place GI upgrade (you cannot do In Place upgrade :)). I will describe below how to easily perform GI OOP.
To start on the right foot, a quick reminder of the concept and the required steps of an Out of Place patching:
For the purpose of this blog, I will use the below homes in the examples:
To keep your systems clean, let's detach the temporary home:
Note that the below chown -R oracle:oinstall (or to the grid owner) is mandatory; indeed, the switch is ran as root and root.sh will later on put the correct privileges back in place.
To start on the right foot, a quick reminder of the concept and the required steps of an Out of Place patching:
- Your system is running on a source version home let's say /u01/app/
- You prepare the future alread patched target home let's say /u01/app/
- The day of the maintenance, you stop what is running on the source home and restart on the target home
- If, for any reason, something goes wrong, you just have to restart everything on the source home
For the purpose of this blog, I will use the below homes in the examples:
- The source GI home: /u01/app/
- The target GI Home: /u01/app/
1. Prepare your target home
Preparing the target home is to prepare a GI home with the patches you will want to use; here, I will go with GI 19.11 with the latest opatch, the latest GI JDK and patch 31602782. To achieve this, you can clone a source GI Home or, what I prefer and recommend, to create a gold image of your target home. Oracle has/had a note with a list of already prepared gold image per version but this note has kind of disappeared recently so I gave up on that one. Also, building your own gold image is easy and very good to know how all of that works. To build my target GI 19.11 gold image, you first need to get:- The base GI 19c version which is 19.3: GI_gold_193_V982068-01.zip -- from edelivery.oracle.com
- The GI 19.11 patch: GI_1911_p32545008_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip
- The latest opatch: opatch_p6880880_122010_Linux-x86-64.zip
- The latest GIJDK: GIJDK_April2021_p32490416_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip (this one is no more the latest but it was the latest when I did this gold image)
- The patch 31602782: p31602782_1911000DBRU_Linux-x86-64.zip
[root@target gioop]# pwd /u01/stage/gioop [root@target gioop]# ls -ltr GI_1911_p32545008_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip <= GI 19.11 patch GIJDK_April2021_p32490416_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip <= April JDK opatch_p6880880_122010_Linux-x86-64.zip <= Latest opatch GI_gold_193_V982068-01.zip <= GI gold image p31602782_1911000DBRU_Linux-x86-64.zip <= Patch 31602782 [root@target gioop]#Unzip the 19.3 gold image:
[root@target gioop]# mkdir temp [root@target gioop]# unzip -q GI_gold_193_V982068-01.zip -d temp/. [root@target gioop]#Unzip the GI JDK and the 31602782 patch (any number of one-off patches):
[root@target gioop]# unzip -o -q GIJDK_April2021_p32490416_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip [root@target gioop]# unzip -o -q p31602782_1911000DBRU_Linux-x86-64.zip [root@target gioop]#Very importantly, all needs to be done as the oracle (grid owner) user (not root) so give the correct permissions and you should have the below situation:
[root@target gioop]# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/stage/gioop [root@target gioop]# ls -ltr oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 20 07:17 32545008 <= GI 19.11 patch oracle oinstall 2477 Apr 22 16:16 PatchSearch.xml oracle oinstall 2523672126 May 7 11:28 GI_1911_p32545008_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip oracle oinstall 125203135 May 7 11:28 GIJDK_April2021_p32490416_190000_Linux-x86-64.zip oracle oinstall 120761121 May 7 11:28 opatch_p6880880_122010_Linux-x86-64.zip oracle oinstall 2889184573 May 7 12:26 GI_gold_193_V982068-01.zip oracle oinstall 4096 May 7 12:28 temp <= GI gold image oracle oinstall 4096 May 7 12:33 32490416 <= GI JDK oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 25 21:04 31602782 <= Patch 31602782 [root@target gioop]#Start by upgrading opatch to the latest version:
[root@target gioop]# su - oracle [oracle@target:]/home/oracle => cd /u01/stage/gioop/temp [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp => ./OPatch/opatch version OPatch Version: OPatch succeeded. [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp => unzip -o -q ../opatch_p6880880_122010_Linux-x86-64.zip [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp =>./OPatch/opatch version OPatch Version: OPatch succeeded. [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp =>We can now patch the gold image with GI 19.11, the GI JDK and the patch 31602782; we can do all of this in a single command line:
[oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp => ./gridSetup.sh -silent -printtime -waitForCompletion -noCopy -applyRU /u01/stage/gioop/32545008 -applyOneOffs /u01/stage/gioop/31602782,/u01/stage/gioop/32490416 Preparing the home to patch... Applying the patch /u01/stage/gioop/32545008... Successfully applied the patch. Applying the patch /u01/stage/gioop/31602782... Successfully applied the patch. Applying the patch /u01/stage/gioop/32490416... Successfully applied the patch. The log can be found at: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/GridSetupActions2021-05-07_01-12-59PM/installerPatchActions_2021-05-07_01-12-59PM.log Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard... [FATAL] [INS-40426] Grid installation option has not been specified. <== you can ignore this error ACTION: Specify the valid installation option. [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp =>Before continuing, we need to temporarely attach the home to the system:
[oracle@target:]/home/oracle => /u01/app/ -attachHome ORACLE_HOME=/u01/stage/gioop/temp ORACLE_HOME_NAME=gold_gi1911 Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 24575 MB Passed The inventory pointer is located at /etc/oraInst.loc You can find the log of this install session at: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/AttachHome2021-05-07_01-53-14PM.log 'AttachHome' was successful. [oracle@target:]/home/oracle =>Note that you have to attach the home to be able to use opatch and create a gold image but you cannot apply the RU nor the one-off patches if the home is attached:
[oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp => ./gridSetup.sh -silent -printtime -waitForCompletion -noCopy -applyRU /u01/stage/gioop/32545008 -applyOneOffs /u01/stage/gioop/31602782,/u01/stage/gioop/32490416 [INS-32826] The software home (/u01/stage/gioop/temp) is already registered in the central inventory. Refer to patch readme instructions on how to apply. [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp =>We now have a prepared target home with our target version located in a temporary directory. We can verify the list of patch of our home:
[oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp => ./OPatch/opatch lspatches -oh /u01/stage/gioop/temp 31602782;SAME INSTANCE SLAVE PARSE FAILURE FLOOD CONTROL 32490416;JDK BUNDLE PATCH 32585572;DBWLM RELEASE UPDATE (32585572) 32584670;TOMCAT RELEASE UPDATE (32584670) 32579761;OCW RELEASE UPDATE (32579761) 32576499;ACFS RELEASE UPDATE (32576499) 32545013;Database Release Update : (32545013) OPatch succeeded. [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp =>We will now create our own gold image which we could easily copy and deploy on all the other systems (dev, qa, dr, prod, etc ...):
[oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp => ./gridSetup.sh -silent -createGoldImage -destinationLocation /u01/stage/gioop/ Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard... Successfully Setup Software. Gold Image location: /u01/stage/gioop/grid_home_2021-05-07_01-59-02PM.zip [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp =>You can now save the prepared gold image /u01/stage/gioop/grid_home_2021-05-07_01-59-02PM.zip on a central repository server as this is the image you will be usng on all your systems -- this is your future GI !
To keep your systems clean, let's detach the temporary home:
[oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp => /u01/app/ -detachHome ORACLE_HOME=/u01/stage/gioop/temp ORACLE_HOME_NAME=gold_gi1911 Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 24575 MB Passed The inventory pointer is located at /etc/oraInst.loc [oracle@target:]/u01/stage/gioop/temp =>
2.Switch the home
Create the target GI directory on all the servers[root@exadb01 ~]# cat ~/dbs_group exadb01 exadb02 . . . exadb08 [root@exadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "df -h /u01" Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on exad01: /dev/mapper/VGExaDb-LVDbOra1 250G 125G 125G 50% /u01 <= check that you have enough disk space on each node . . . [root@exadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "mkdir -p /u01/app/; chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/" [root@exadb01 ~]#Unzip the previously prepared goldimage (only on one node !)
[oracle@exadb01:]/home/oracle => unzip -q /u01/stage/gioop/GI_gold_1911_2021-05-07_01-59-02PM.zip -d /u01/app/ [oracle@exadb01:]/home/oracle => dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l oracle "du -sh /u01/app/" exadb01: 9.9G /u01/app/ <== your gold image unzipped here exadb02: 4.0K /u01/app/ <== empty directory here . . . exadb08: 4.0K /u01/app/< <== empty directory here [oracle@exadb01:]/home/oracle =>Something important here to aboid issues during the patch process; verify that the ASM passwordfile and the ASM spfile is located under ASM (if not, you'll find a quick procedure here on how to move them to ASM):
[root@exadb01 ~]# . oraenv <<< +ASM1 ORACLE_SID = [root] ? The Oracle base has been set to /u01/app/oracle [root@exadb01 ~]# asmcmd spget +DATA/mycluster/ASMPARAMETERFILE/registry.253.1045914043 [root@exadb01 ~]# asmcmd pwget --asm +DATA/orapwASM [root@exadb01 ~]#Prepare a responsefile such as this one:
[oracle@exadb01:+ASM1]/home/oracle => cat /u01/stage/gioop/1911oop_response.rsp oracle.install.responseFileVersion=/oracle/install/rspfmt_crsinstall_response_schema_v19.0.0 oracle.install.option=CRS_SWONLY ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle oracle.install.asm.OSDBA=oinstall oracle.install.asm.OSOPER=oinstall oracle.install.asm.OSASM=oinstall oracle.install.crs.config.ClusterConfiguration=STANDALONE [oracle@exadb01:+ASM1]/home/oracle =>Gridsetup, this will only copy the software across all the nodes, this will NOT modify anything else
[oracle@exadb01:]/u01/app/ => ./gridSetup.sh -silent -responseFile /u01/stage/gioop/1911oop_response.rsp -waitForCompletion Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard... [WARNING] [INS-41813] OSDBA for ASM, OSOPER for ASM, and OSASM are the same OS group. CAUSE: The group you selected for granting the OSDBA for ASM group for database access, and the OSOPER for ASM group for startup and shutdown of Oracle ASM, is the same group as the OSASM group, whose members have SYSASM privileges on Oracle ASM. ACTION: Choose different groups as the OSASM, OSDBA for ASM, and OSOPER for ASM groups. [WARNING] [INS-41874] Oracle ASM Administrator (OSASM) Group specified is same as the inventory group. CAUSE: Operating system group oinstall specified for OSASM Group is same as the inventory group. ACTION: It is not recommended to have OSASM group same as inventory group. Select any of the group other than the inventory group to avoid incorrect configuration. The response file for this session can be found at: /u01/app/ You can find the log of this install session at: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/GridSetupActions2021-05-10_10-54-29AM/gridSetupActions2021-05-10_10-54-29AM.log As a root user, execute the following script(s): 1. /u01/app/ Execute /u01/app/ on the following nodes: [exadb01]As instructed, run this root.sh script:
[root@exadb01 ~]# /u01/app/ Check /u01/app/ for the output of root script [root@exadb01 ~]# cat /u01/app/ Performing root user operation. The following environment variables are set as: ORACLE_OWNER= oracle ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/ Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ... Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ... Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ... Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created Finished running generic part of root script. Now product-specific root actions will be performed. To configure Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster or Grid Infrastructure for a Stand-Alone Server execute the following command as oracle user: /u01/app/ This command launches the Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard. The wizard also supports silent operation, and the parameters can be passed through the response file that is available in the installation media. [root@exadb01 ~]#OK, this was the last step to be done before the real maintenance, the next steps are do be done under a window maintenance only as the GI will be switched to the new home node by node stopping all the resources running on the old GI home and restarting all the resources on the new GI home. I will recommend using the rac-status.sh script to check the status of all the resources of the cluster before switching the home -- and do the same after the home switching to ensure that your maintenance is idempotent:
[oracle@exadb01:]/home/oracle => /u01/app/ -silent -switchGridHome Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard... You can find the log of this install session at: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/cloneActions2021-05-10_11-05-43AM.log As a root user, execute the following script(s): 1. /u01/app/ Execute /u01/app/ on the following nodes: [exadb01, exadb02, exadb03, exadb04, exadb05, exadb06, exadb07, exadb08] Run the scripts on the local node first. After successful completion, run the scripts in sequence on all other nodes. Successfully Setup Software. [oracle@exadb01:]/home/oracle =>Now, strictly follow the instructions and run the root.sh scripts as instructed; do NOT run them concurrently on multiple nodes; note that they will take time to run:
[root@exadb01 ~]# /u01/app/ Check /u01/app/ for the output of root script [root@exadb01 ~]#And so on on all the nodes one by one ... and you are done ! hmm not exactly you need to update your /etc/oratab (on each node) as the ASM entry will be removed by the patching:
[root@exadb01 ~]# grep ASM /etc/oratab +ASM1:/u01/app/ can have a look at the inventory and you could see the old and new GI Home as below:
[root@exadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "grep -i grid /u01/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml" exadb01: <HOME NAME="OraGI19Home1" LOC="/u01/app/" TYPE="O" IDX="1"> <== old exadb01: <HOME NAME="OraGI19Home2" LOC="/u01/app/" TYPE="O" IDX="19" CRS="true"/> <== new . . . exadb08: <HOME NAME="OraGI19Home1" LOC="/u01/app/" TYPE="O" IDX="1"> <== old exadb08: <HOME NAME="OraGI19Home2" LOC="/u01/app/" TYPE="O" IDX="14" CRS="true"/> <== new [root@exadb01 ~]#Now you are all done ! a last check with rac-status.sh to ensure that everything is running as expected and you can use the same gold image and procedure to all your GIs !
3. The Rollback procedure
In case of something goes wrong during or after you have switched to your new home, you need to have a tested rollback procedure and the beauty of Out of Place patching is that the old home is still on the system, untouched, as it was before. You then just have to switch back to the old home.Note that the below chown -R oracle:oinstall (or to the grid owner) is mandatory; indeed, the switch is ran as root and root.sh will later on put the correct privileges back in place.
[root@exadb01 ~]# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app/" <== this is mandatory [root@exadb01 ~]# su - oracle [oracle@exadb01:]/home/oracle => /u01/app/ -silent -switchGridHome Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure Setup Wizard... You can find the log of this install session at: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/cloneActions2021-05-10_12-25-25PM.log As a root user, execute the following script(s): 1. /u01/app/ Execute /u01/app/ on the following nodes: [exadb01, exadb02, exadb03, exadb04, exadb05, exadb06, exadb07, exadb08] Run the scripts on the local node first. After successful completion, run the scripts in sequence on all other nodes. Successfully Setup Software. [oracle@exadb01:]/home/oracle =>Same as before, now run the root.sh script on each node one by one, do not run them concurrently.
[root@exadb01 ~]# /u01/app/ Check /u01/app/ for the output of root script [root@exadb01 ~]# . . . [root@exadb01 ~]# ssh exadb08 Last login: Mon May 10 11:44:34 2021 from exadb01.domain.com [root@exadb08 ~]# /u01/app/ Check /u01/app/ for the output of root script [root@exadb08 ~]#No, refix back your oratab, execute rac-status.sh to check that everything is back up and running as expected and you are all done !
Awesome post. You have total control of each step. Have you tried the "Grid Infrastructure Out of Place ( OOP ) Patching using opatchauto (Doc ID 2419319.1)" process?
ReplyDeleteNo because the steps that opatchauto would do for me are very simple and I am not very confident in adding a tool which may be bugged and is itself patched very often to replace few very easy steps like the one I describe here.
DeleteI may try it one day but for now I don't see the point, all of these steps are basic, simple, can easily be automated etc ...
Thank you very much for this post.
ReplyDeleteCould you please clarify one thing.
In your step with a response file containing oracle.install.option=CRS_SWONLY where you only push the software to other nodes:
"Gridsetup, this will only copy the software across all the nodes, this will NOT modify anything else"
But the response file does not seem to contain the node list, and the gridSetup.sh output does not seem to indicate that it did any pushing of software to other nodes, and also that root.sh is only being asked to run on the local node.
Could you explain whether you had to do this step on each node, or am I missing something?
gridSetup.sh copies the software to all the nodes in the current cluster from "$(olsnodes -c)"; you just have to run this on one node.
DeleteBelow an example I have in my logs on a 2 nodes cluster:
1/ Before gridsetup:
[oracle@exavm03:]/home/oracle => dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l oracle "du -sh /u01/app/"
exavm03: 9.9G /u01/app/ <== node 1 has a GI gold image unzipped
exavm04: 4.0K /u01/app/ <== node 2 has no GI software
[oracle@exavm03:]/home/oracle =>
2/ run gridsetup (which is, I do agree with you, not very verbose on the copy to remote nodes subject)
3/ After gridsetup:
[oracle@exavm03:]/home/oracle => dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l oracle "du -sh /u01/app/"
exavm03: 11G /u01/app/ <== GI software prepared
exavm04: 11G /u01/app/ <== GI software prepared
[oracle@exavm03:]/home/oracle =>
DeleteThank you very much for the quick reply.
Looking forward to trying this procedure.
I was actually thinking of trying one of Oracle's own patched gold images for Exadata builds, found in OEDA readme https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/download?type=readme&aru=24532385
5.2 Gold Image Patch Sets for Oracle Database 19c
Release Database Patch Grid Infrastructure Home Patch 33456947 33456946
so, I downloaded 33456946 which is zipped GI gold image, and placed it under a new proposed GH path.
In other words, I skipped the actual patching and gold image prep steps you did at the beginning of your post and instead am hoping Oracle's gold image that it has prepared for Exadata can be substituted.
Do you know/think if this may/may not work?
I.e. will gridSetup.sh somehow magically detect that this gold image is not natively created?
Thanks anyway, I will try and let you know here if it works.
Yes sure, you can use this one. A gold image is a gold image, I just showed how to add other patches on top of a gold image but if you do not need extra patches, sure, use the one Oracle provides.
DeleteThis did not quite work for me.
ReplyDeleteThe CRS_SWONLY step did not copy to the other node.
I did find a way to do it, by adding clusternodes line to the reponse file. That worked, and then I could see both software and central inventory updated on both nodes.
More trouble with the -silent -switchGridHome ... which i ran without any response file. It first said to run root.sh on both nodes ,but then continued running and said it failed to do updateNodeList command, but it was referencing my current GH.
so, I went ahead and ran root.sh.
On first node it actually worked. It stopped and started crs in new GH.
The trouble is with the second node. root.sh simply exits without any error, but also without doing anything.
I opened SR with Oracle on this.
Please let me know how it goes; sorry I am in between 2 jobs at the moment so I won't be able to test anything before a couple months. I will re verify this as soon as I can.
ReplyDeleteI narrowed it down to GH/crs/config/rootcnfig.sh on second node. It had what appears to be same contents from running the CRS_SWONLY step, versus on first node that script actually got updated as a result of -switchGridHome:
on first node:
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 6256 Dec 15 14:42 rootconfig.sh2021-12-15_03-13-56PM.bak
-rwxr-x--- 1 root oinstall 6254 Dec 15 15:14 rootconfig.sh
diff rootconfig.sh2021-12-15_03-13-56PM.bak rootconfig.sh
< PATCH_HOME=false
< MOVE_HOME=false
> MOVE_HOME=true
on second node (still same as from CRS_SWINSTALL step):
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 6256 Dec 15 14:43 rootconfig.sh
I copied this script from first node to second and re-ran root.sh, it actually all worked.
Oracle SR was not much use. They said to use GUI as per their doc Steps for Minimal Downtime Grid Infrastructure Out of Place ( OOP ) Patching using gridSetup.sh ( Doc ID 2662762.1 )
I also did try that and even saved .rsp from that step and re-tried but it was same result.
So, I think there is some glitch with their -switchGridHome step where it does not propagate the script to second node, even though it tells to run root.sh on each node, but somehow you did not encounter that.
DeleteOracle confirmed this issue with rootconfig.sh on other nodes and gave some references to bugs (all invisible to me) and some workaround steps.
Maybe this will help somebody:
Tier-1 feedback
please run below steps on node 2.
copy files /crs/config/rootconfig.sh and crs/install/crsconfig_params from node 1 to the remote node 2.
Then execute root.sh on the remote node 2.
So that you can add to your procedure as a workaround until we get the issue fixed
dev is working on the following two bugs to address this issue
Bug 33602086 is now closed as duplicate of
There is a backport request CREATED thru BUG 33737502 FOR
Bug 33737502 - BACKPORT OF 33601195 ON DATABASE RU (BLR #10026974)
... I am glad they were open about this and to me the simple workaround is more practical than the mess of one-off patch and separate image
will use workaround for now and wait/hope they include the fixes in their own RU gold images.
Your process works wonderfully.
Thank you very much.
I'm running a stand alone grid (SIHA) instance for my databases. And I can make sense of everything except for the response file. Do you know of a blog or a documentation that could explain it better?
ReplyDeleteI think that the best location to have more description on all the parameters is in the template provided by the GI; It should be in $GI_HOME/install/response
Hey that's great and informative post and special thanks to you fro which i get knowledge kindly keeps us updated with these type of content.