
Exadata: ILOM hostname change

I am not sure about the root cause of this one but it was very weird finding that an ILOM had a wrong hostname (yes, wrong hostname) -- below the logs from a cell patching pre-requisites session:
cel01: [ERROR] Details:
cel01: ILOM hostname must match in /opt/oracle.cellos/cell.conf  : FAILED
cel01: [Info]: Consistency check FAILED
Indeed, the ILOM had the same hostname as the cell which obviously is not what we want:
[root@db01 ~]# ssh cel01-ilom
Hostname: cel01
-> show /SP hostname
        hostname = cel01         <===== bad, this is the cell hostname !
The cool thing with ILOMs is that we can change this online with no disruption:
-> set /sp hostname=cel01-ilom
Set 'hostname' to 'cel01-ilom'
-> show /SP hostname
        hostname = cel01-ilom   <===== good
One more easy online fix (for a weird issue :))!

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